We have a BIG announcement! The Baltimore Improv Group will be hosting monthly screenings with our new partner, The Charm City Filmmakers. The Charm City Filmmakers are a collective of film producers that collaborates with local writers and directors to visualize their short film projects.
We are screening the following films.
Can I Do This by Del ReƩ
First Date by Matt Mitchell
Inches and Miles by Curtis Harris Change of Plans by Mark Jenkins Near the Reaper by Levi Reid The Implant by JV Torres
Always by Doville Mark (starring Tom Fields, Writers and Actors regular)
1727 N Charles St. Baltimore, MD Doors open at 7:30 pm. Admission is free. Popcorn is free. Bring Friends. The first two screenings will be Sept. 3rd from 8-11PM and Sept. 16th from 8-11PM. Both events are FREE TO ALL!